Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Blast From the Past

I've lived in my current apartment for close to 18 months, and I have at least four boxes that I have yet to unpack.  For the most part, they're full of crafts.

The past few months have been full of work.  Not only do I spend 45-50 hours at work, but then I come home and study for tests that I'm encouraged to take for - you guessed it - work.  My next test is scheduled in five days, so I've been going all out.  

Tonight I wrapped up a 642 page prep book.  Tomorrow I'll start on the nine practice exams I have yet to tackle.  However, I'm done studying for the night, which is why I decided it'd be a perfect time to do something like change the two light bulbs that burnt out earlier this week.  While digging around in my junk cabinet,* I came across one of those boxes I haven't unpacked.

What's the best way to procrastinate?  Do things that you've been meaning to do, but have been neglecting - like laundry, dishes, or unpacking a random box.

That wonderful little bankers box was full of all sorts of high school memorabilia.  We're talking student body cards, certificates of recognition, old love letters, and so, so many photos.  

Here's what I learned from my own personal time capsule: 

5)  I was a big, big freak in high school.
4)  I was convinced that I was hilarious, but I'm not so sure about it now...
3)  The mid- and late '90s were not kind - fashion wise - to small town Oregon.
2)  Over the past 15 years I've been working to shed my pack rat ways, but for some reason I've moved the junk in that box over 6,400 miles.^
1)  My streaked hair - black, blond, red, sometimes orange - didn't look so bad.

*I live in a studio and have so much junk (e.g., potting soil, pots, light bulbs, etc.) that a single drawer will never be enough.

^The number would have been higher if I hadn't stored it during the other 16,472 miles.

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