Sunday, October 7, 2012

For Serious, I Really am a Card Carrying Feminist

Despite the fact that I'm the same feminist to tried to encourage others to laugh through the pain with a Dave Attell joke,* I would still consider myself a feminist.^

But, I just received an invitation to a "Goddess Party."  I'm supposed to bring a show and tell item - something that "makes you proud to be a woman" - to this shindig.  It's going to take every ounce of my better judgement to prevent me from bringing: 1) a box of tampons, 2) a vibrator, or 3) the South Park episode where Cartman thinks he gets his period and establishes a goddess club.**

Okay, maybe I should have named this post, "Reason 479 Why I'm not Allowed in Public."

*Q: What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
  A:  Nothing she's already heard twice.

^I was a Women Studies minor.  (Yeah, okay I waited to declare the minor until I had about three glasses left to fulfill the requirements.)  I took a short, guided tour through the lesbian neighborhood.  (It lasted about six months, and I still blame being bored in New Hampshire.)

**Are you There God, It's me Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I'm warning you, I'm bringing something super goddess-y! Don't be surprised if you want to light incense and sing Kum-Ba-Yah when you're done participating in my contribution, lol.
