Thursday, December 29, 2011

The real reason I drank last night

After embracing my breakdown and posting it to Al Gore’s Internet, my manager brought in a temp to start training at the Front Desk around 11:30 a.m. 

Coincidently, my manager sends out notifications whenever a new employee or a new temporary employee starts.  These notifications go to the facilities manager (who finds them a place to sit), tech support (to set up a computer for them), the receptionists (we set up the key cards, update the maps and phone lists), and a handful of other people.  It was thanks to the notification that I found out I would start my new job effective January 1.* 

I wasn’t the only one who was surprised by the news.  There were other people who received the same notification who weren’t aware that I was in the running for a new position, such as the facilities manager (who was concerned that I was getting shit canned) and a member of our tech support area (who cornered me during lunch to ask when I would return from my extended vacation^).

Also, my meeting with the department rep yesterday afternoon was all flowers and rainbows.  Not only am I heading over to the new department next week, but the rep presented me with my official offer letter.+

And, after a whirlwind day, I rewarded myself with beer, so much beer.

*[A temp] will be joining [us] today, December 28 as a temporary Receptionist.  She will be sitting at the front desk training and will be replacing [me] effective January 1, 2012.…

Please let me know if you have questions.


^I wish.

+It was less of an offer and more of a memo stating what my new compensation package would be.  Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy with the new package.  However, I was confused by the fact that a member of HR did not present it to me. 

I was under the impression that no one – except HR – was supposed to know how much anyone else was paid.  You know what?  It’s not my problem.  I’m pumped to head into a new department, and if HR is okay with people knowing how much I make then so am I.  I even let the rep who will be one of my managers make a copy of my offer letter for her records.  She was cced on the original memo, so I just went with it.

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